Happy Holidays to all.
This year was a great year for Christmas movies - got to see Avatar and Princess and the Frog (twice).
Both movies were just what I needed in my life right now - they truly inspired me to continue working on my own work.... and that's what I've been doing.
For now, enjoy some Naveen fanart from Princess and the Frog :
Took a break from Ariel for a few days to work on some other stuff. Not to mention, my friend Mr. Araya messed up our tablet settings when he was here at Halloween... so I only get to work on her on my laptop (which, considering it's on life support, isn't often).
So I got back to her today. For a little while.
I added a new little widget on the right column. If I happen to be connected, you can chat with me - ask me questions, tell me what you think of my work, etc.
I have to say this, because my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw this this morning :
This blog had 2,377 visitors in the past 24 hours. SO CRAZY!!
I've been working on some stuff - but I don't know if I'll get a chance to post anything today.
Just, keep a look out.
And thanks for visiting.
I've been working on my boyfriends website layout forever, because it's been giving me non-stop problems. So yesterday, I sat down and completely recoded it and it's fixed. So now all I gotta do is add all the content.
While waiting for said content, he also asked me to redo his blog layout to resemble his new website layout so that's what I did today.
Check it out :
I was working on my current story/comic idea before I moved. And seeing as how the characters are.... well, not completely human (not wanting to give away the whole story here), I needed some ideas for facial markings.
So I did some studies of various cultures and peoples. There are some various animals in there and some characters from movies and tv shows and the like. And some original designs.
I wanted to see how markings could affect character personality, even on a default face. So imagine some of these on perhaps a big burly man or on a sweet child. And by doing some research, I learned what markings mean what, so if I wanted to have a bit of background on a character to match their facial markings.
I want to go and do some more....
With my website back up and running, my blog is no longer missing images.
So I decided to make it up to my visitors (and my blog) and just fix up the layout a tad bit.
I hope you enjoy.
Sorry haven't been posting much. Apartment hunting was taking up most of my time, and now packing.
But, I figured I'd post something up here, seeing as how my portfolio website is down for the moment.
I tried my hand at a full digital painting in a different style.
Done with ONE brush. Still needs some work. But that'll be all for now.
I have a bunch of face art concepts that I should post but that'll have to wait until Monday. We're moving over the weekend.
OH! And some business Identity stuff for others. I'll post that as well.
Until then.
Have a great weekend everyone.
I'm working on a new personal project - I've had the general idea in my head for a while now. Last night my boyfriend and I brain stormed (cause our ideas play well off each other) and I got the whole story down. I may turn this into an illustrated novel or a comic... or something.
So, today, I did a concept for it.
A random fish mermaid, based off of a Maldives Lyretail Anthias.
It started as a rough painting and with some edits, I "inked" it and am going to do some progress shots.
I probably should go back before I get any farther and make it a higer resolution.
I'm in the process of making new little linking buttons off to the right over there....
but for now...
Finally the new layout is up to match the rest of my business identity. Enjoy.
I'll post some images from my DVD and Playing Cards later.
Right now, I'm off to continue animating.
Speaking of, I'll post my last animation as well - soon.
I passed all my classes. And passed my final review - which means I'm graduating in June. Woot!
And because my boyfriend's business identity was all over the place, I decided to help him out.
So I gave him the idea to make his little self portrait robot lean on his logo and I made this mock up for the DVD case :
The background is black so it'll be seamless on a black dvd case. I'll help him work on the other stuff tomorrow.
For now, I'm going to sleep.
Would be given away in a nice mesh bag or a nice little box.
I would like to get big fake shark teeth for final show. And/or unbroken shells.
Newest Work In Progress Shot of my 4 Celestial Goddesses :
Galaxy has been changed to a purple instead of a green. Sun has a bit of a sunflare-esque design on her dress and Star's been changed to a purple and yellow mixture. Her dress has also changed in the drawing, but I haven't scanned that yet.
I think I'm happy with where the colors are.
So now to finish the turnarounds!
Been busy with Senior Project 2. My final review is in a few weeks.
I have some old characters that I pixeled years ago that I decided to do nice turnarounds of.
Here's the color test of their side views :
From left to right they are Sun, Moon and Star.
I've created a new one as well, Galaxy that I think I'm going to try to get completed soon.
I changed Sun's colors to be a big more burgundy and coral. Moon to a bluish overall. And Star to purple. Galaxy will be greenish.
More to come soon.